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Saying No, Learning from Apple

Both in design and product features, Apple products tend to forego excess to create meaningful experiences that are easy to engage with and have an intuitiveness to their functions.

It means there is focus and an understanding of what the brand represents to consumers. Focus doesn’t inhibit innovation, but gives a necessary framework for evaluating whether an innovation is a good fit with the brand or not. Apple innovated in the personal music device category despite its origin in personal computing because there is an underlying focus, as expressed by the tagline ‘think different.’

he genius of Apple is its ability to fulfill desires that consumers have yet to express.

What’s really compelling about that focus as part of an innovation process is how it is considered from the consumer’s perspective. The basic measure of meaning and for meaningful experiences, of course, is fulfilling a consumer’s desire. The genius of Apple is its ability to fulfill desires that consumers have yet to express.